I John 3:18

All original content copyright Jessica Nicole Schafer, 2007-2016.

Monday, December 20, 2010

He is FOR...

He is FOR…

The broken

The lonely

The abused

The bruised

The neglected

The hungry

The poor

The hopeless

The homeless

The despairing

The mourning

The forgotten

The cheated

The weary

The lame

The prodigal

The broken-hearted

The foreigner

The orphan

The widowed

The sick

….even when His very children live as if they are NOT.

Sometimes life gives us NOTHING BUT hurt….and ALL WE CAN OFFER is a broken heart. That is okay. That is acceptable….and believe it or not, it can even be an act of worship. There have been MANY days in the last 36 months that all I’ve had to offer God are tears, grief, sadness, and a broken heart…….what I’ve learned is that he NEVER turns that away.

In fact….He is closely acquainted with all of those things.

Dear reader, God never did ask you to “grin and bear it”…..don’t expect that of yourself, or others.

Just as a mother holds a child who’s hurting, and hurts alongside him, wishing she could take away those hurts and carry them herself…how much MORE does He wish we’d come to Him so He could do that very thing??

Our tears, our hurt, our grief, and our broken-hearts are accepted in His Kingdom.....

“Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2